Vault & Consul Kubernetes Deployment

Following this post, you will be able to deploy, configure and use an HashiCorp Vault with Hashicorp Consul, to try it in your Kubernetes Cluster with sample application.

Secure, store and tightly control access to tokens, passwords, certificates, encryption keys for protecting secrets and other sensitive data using a UI, CLI, or HTTP API.
Consul is a service mesh solution providing a full featured control plane with service discovery, configuration, and segmentation functionality. Each of these features can be used individually as needed, or they can be used together to build a full-service mesh

1- Stack :

  • Kubelet : v1.17.2 / v1.18.5
  • Kubectl : v1.17.1
  • Docker : 19.03.5 / 19.03.8
  • Consul : 1.9.3
  • Vault : 1.6.2 (Agent 0.8.0)
  • Cfssl : 1.2.0
  • Kube namespace : vault (if you use a different namespace, it must be changed in service and pod hostnames)
  • Architecture : AMD64 / ARM64

2- Consul deployment :

1. First, generate SSL certificates for Consul (can be done in workstation) with Cfssl, after editing configuration files in consul/ca directory

# Generate CA and sign request for Consul
cfssl gencert -initca ca/ca-csr.json | cfssljson -bare ca 
# Generate SSL certificates for Consul
cfssl gencert \ 
-ca=ca.pem \ 
-ca-key=ca-key.pem \ 
-config=ca/ca-config.json \ 
-profile=default \ 
ca/consul-csr.json | cfssljson -bare consul 
# Perpare a GOSSIP key for Consul members communication encryptation
GOSSIP_ENCRYPTION_KEY=$(consul keygen)

2. Create secret with Gossip key and public/private keys

kubectl create secret gesneric consul \
--from-literal="gossip-encryption-key=${GOSSIP_ENCRYPTION_KEY}" \
--from-file=ca.pem \
--from-file=consul.pem \

3. Deploy 3 Consul members (Statefulset)

kubectl apply -f consul/service.yaml
kubectl apply -f consul/rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f consul/config.yaml
kubectl apply -f consul/consul.yaml

4. Prepare SSL certificates for Consul client, it will be used by vault consul client (sidecar).

cfssl gencert \
-ca=ca.pem \
-ca-key=ca-key.pem \
-config=ca/ca-config.json \
-profile=default \
ca/consul-csr.json | cfssljson -bare client-vault

5. Create secret for Consul client (like members)

kubectl create secret generic client-vault \
--from-literal="gossip-encryption-key=${GOSSIP_ENCRYPTION_KEY}" \
--from-file=ca.pem \
--from-file=client-vault.pem \

3- Vault deployment :

Before deploy Vault, you need to configure a Consul client to give Vault access to Consul members

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: vault-config
  concul.config: |
      "verify_incoming": false,
      "verify_outgoing": true,
      "server": false,
      "ca_file": "/etc/tls/ca.pem",
      "cert_file": "/etc/tls/client-vault.pem",
      "datacenter": "vault",
      "key_file": "/etc/tls/client-vault-key.pem",
      "client_addr": "",
      "ui": false,
      "raft_protocol": 3,
      "retry_join": [ "provider=k8s label_selector=\"app=consul,role=server\" namespace=\"vault\"" ]

The consul client will be deployed as a Sidecar for Vault server, so the "client_addr" must be "". For certificates parameters, we will use the client-vault secret and same join expression of members configuration.

In another side, we need to configure Vault to request this client by the "listeners" parameter.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: vault-config
  vault.config: |
      "ui": true,
      "listener": [{
        "tcp": {
          "address": "",
          "tls_disable": true

OK, let's deploy

kubectl apply -f vault/service.yaml
kubectl apply -f vault/config.yaml
kubectl apply -f vault/vault.yaml

5- UI:

At this point, we have 3 instances on Consul deployed and 1 instance of Vault connected to Consul members.

We can use a port forwarding to acces UI of Consul and Vault. In our case, we will use an "Ingress" to expose UIs to internet.

kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml
If you use this option with SSL (HTTPS), you need to configure the TLS secret.

6- Vault Injector deployment

  • Install vault agent injector (single and simple instance without leader & leader election)
kubectl apply -f vault-injector/serivce.yaml
kubectl apply -f vault-injector/rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f vault-injector/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f vault-injector/webhook.yaml # webhook must be created after deployment
The injector will detect Vault "Annotation" or "Configmap", and will inject an initContainer in the init process of your application Pod to request Vault server for secret. After initialization, an agent will be injected inside the pod to give your application container the requested secret.
For agent injector, we will use our docker image, it's similar of official image with arm64 supporting (At 02/2021 only amd64 arch are distributed by Hashicorp), see docker files.

7- Sample deployment :

We can use UI to configure and use Vault, in this project we use CLI.

1. Start by installing Vault locally (in workspace) for CLI use only

curl -o
chmod +x vault
# With ingress, you can use the root url of Vault ui, or use the port forward

2. Check the server status and login (using token like UI)

./vault status
>> Key             Value
>> ---             -----
>> Seal Type       shamir
>> Initialized     true
>> Sealed          false
>> Total Shares    1
>> Threshold       1
>> Version         1.6.2
>> Storage Type    consul
>> Cluster Name    vault-cluster-...
>> Cluster ID      ...
>> HA Enabled      true
>> HA Cluster      ..
>> HA Mode         active

./vault login
<< your_token

3. Create key/value for testing

./vault secrets enable kv
./vault kv put kv/myapp/config username="admin" password="adminpassword"

4. Connect Kube to Vault

# Create the service account to access secret
kubectl apply -f myapp/service-account.yaml
# Enable kubernetes support
./vault auth enable kubernetes
# Prepare kube api server data
export SECRET_NAME="$(kubectl get serviceaccount vault-auth  -o go-template='{{ (index .secrets 0).name }}')"
export TR_ACCOUNT_TOKEN="$(kubectl get secret ${SECRET_NAME} -o go-template='{{ .data.token }}' | base64 --decode)"
export K8S_API_SERVER="$(kubectl config view --raw -o go-template="{{ range .clusters }}{{ index .cluster \"server\" }}{{ end }}")"
export K8S_CACERT="$(kubectl config view --raw -o go-template="{{ range .clusters }}{{ index .cluster \"certificate-authority-data\" }}{{ end }}" | base64 --decode)"
# Send kube config to vault
./vault write auth/kubernetes/config kubernetes_host="${K8S_API_SERVER}" kubernetes_ca_cert="${K8S_CACERT}" token_reviewer_jwt="${TR_ACCOUNT_TOKEN}"

5. Create Vault policy and role for "myapp"

Edit policy file myapp/policy.json

path "kv/myapp/*" {
  capabilities = ["read", "list"]

Create the application role

./vault policy write myapp-ro myapp/policy.json
./vault write auth/kubernetes/role/myapp-role bound_service_account_names=vault-auth bound_service_account_namespaces=vault policies=default,myapp-ro ttl=15m

6. Deploy "myapp" for testing

Edit annotations for secret output, @see myapp/deployment.yaml

annotations: "true" "kv/myapp/config" |
        {{- with secret "kv/myapp/config" -}}
        dsn://{{ .Data.username }}:{{ .Data.password }}@database:port/mydb?sslmode=disable
        {{- end }} "myapp-role"

Deploy app and log secret

kubectl apply -f myapp/deployment.yaml 
export POD=$(kubectl get pods --selector=app=myapp --output=jsonpath={})
kubectl log ${POD} myapp

8- Tips

To activate an HTTP Basic security for Consul UI (it's run without), you can use Nginx ingress annotations, after authentication secret generation.

htpasswd -c auth foo
kubectl create secret generic consul-auth --from-file=auth

Add annotations basic consul-auth 'Authentication Required - Consul - MedInvention'

Source @GitHub